Monday, May 16, 2016

"Kids Will Be Kids"

Hi Gina

"Your faithful correspondent" sending that morning message that, by now, I hope you receive with eager anticipation and a smile. I mean, an Update on Upriver PLUS folksy wisdom, could it get better than that?  (No answer required!

Beth and I drove into Schuylerville for lunch yesterday. There's a spot just over the river in Easton, Washington County, called Jody's. It's hidden on a side road, nestled into scrub brush and trees near the Hudson. But, boy, the food is good!  I mean almost anyone can pull off a chicken quesadilla but -- to get Beth oooo-ing and ahhhh-ing and finishing the whole thing -- well it is a place worth visiting

On the ride home we passed Fort Hardy Park, which was central in the final days of the Battle of Saratoga and now hosts most of the village's outdoor events, from food fairs to concerts to Little League, boating, bathing, and fishing. (I was sad to learn that the cap-and-cover, even with special matting, was compromised by ice flow last year and, with warning signs down, locals will be splashing around on the "beach" again. 🚣 🎣 )

Anyway. Spring is in the air -- along with those darn VOCs -- and the smack of baseballs (and the occasional curse word) resound along the river.  Families bring picnics and, whether watching the game or not, try to have a fun Sunday afternoon of it. Cue Norman Rockwell!

More river news is our friends at Riverkeeper are celebrating Spring with clean ups (39 TONS) and getting that classic monitoring boat out. I could tease them as a "little sloop that could...?" What do you think? 

Always good checking in, Gina. Lots to do. As you know our tractor has been in the shop and the grass is growing through the slats of the Adirondack chairs. Big Orange Thing coming home today so I better get ready. 

For the sake, let's say Little Leaguers in Schuylerville: let's get River Section Two from "failing" to at least "low pass?"

You can do it! 

Many thanks,